Next 12 hours this weather condition will be prevailing over Gangatic West bengal and adjoining region.
But no chance of rainfall possibility in kolkata and nebourhood areas in next 24 hours. So today minimum temperature will not to be drop. But after next 24 hours temperature will be started to decrease again rapidly. At this time create a cold wave like situation in gangatic West bengal and nebourhood areas.
Already Delhi faceing seasonal cheel winter past few days. Their minimum temperature dropped to the 5°C. Next 48 to 72 hours, this weather condition will be continue prevailing in Delhi.
Not only Delhi, Cold wave situation create many places over the Utter pradesh, Madhya pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand region also.
This weather situation will be cover more part of our country.
Dense fog alart also effecting many part of Delhi, Utter pradesh, Bihar and Some places of jharkhand also.
Under the influence of this situation of north and Central India, Cold northerly strong wind can be able to enter in gangatic West bengal and will be start in next 24 to 48 hours in gangatic West bengal. So most of the district of gangatic West bengal can be feel cheel winter in next few days.
Western district of west bengal facing cold wave like situation in next 4 or 5 Days.
Their temperature will be record near 8°C or 9°C near Purulia, Bankura, and Birbhum also.
Kolkata, Minimum temperature will be record in 11°C or 12°C in this middle or end of this week.
In those days maximum temperature also chance to record near 25°C in kolkata.
Next 24 to 72 hours north bengal chance to facing dense fog. But minimum temperature will be fail significantly in this weekend also.
Thank you.
By P.ghosh
Update: 21:45 IST
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